Sabbatical Leave
CNU will offer sabbatical leaves so faculty may extend teaching abilities and continue professional and intellectual growth. Christopher Newport University will offer sabbatical leaves so faculty may extend teaching abilities and continue professional and intellectual growth. Faculty can propose projects such as:
- Research
- Creative work
- Professional retraining
- Advanced study
These activities should result in:
- Improved teaching effectiveness
- Enhanced research and / or artistic activity
- New capacity for service to the university or community
- An advanced degree or retraining that permits teaching in a new area
Application Criteria
The Faculty Senate will make recommendations on the basis of the following criteria:
- the concept and organization of the project;
- the enhancement the project will have on the teaching effectiveness and professional development of the applicant;
- the quality or the promise of quality of the applicant's work as a teacher and scholar;
- commitment by the applicant to work full-time on the project to completion;
- the length and quality of the applicant's service to the University; and
- the potential of the project to benefit the University.
Please refer to the University Handbook, Instructional Faculty Personnel Regulations, Section XIII.3.b.2, for more information on sabbatical leave.
Application Process and Deadlines
Applications for Sabbatical leave will be generated through Watermark Workflow. Faculty will receive an email from Watermark indicating that the application period has opened and provides the form to complete. Deadlines for applications are indicated in the workflow process and are posted on the Faculty Calendar.