Watermark Faculty Success - Faculty Resources - Christopher Newport University

Faculty Resources

Watermark Faculty Success

Watermark (formerly Digital Measures) is a collection tool that houses information that would normally be included in curriculum vitae. The database structure allows this data to be arranged in output documents, including but not limited to, EVAL-6, a vita, presenter biography, a department roster or reports required by accrediting bodies. In addition, information from Watermark can be used to populate your faculty page on cnu.edu.

Many faculty are actively engaged in their discipline through their scholarly work and involved with students in a variety of exciting and meaningful ways. It is becoming increasingly important for faculty to document this good work so that it can be appropriately acknowledged in annual activity reports, tenure and promotion documents, and external reports to our various constituencies. Watermark will allow for this collection of faculty activities and allow administrators to view summary reports across department, college or school rather than collating information that comes in separately (on paper) from faculty.


The Faculty Users Guide provides step-by-step instructions for logging into Watermark, entering of professional activities and accessing different reports.

The Digital Measures EVAL-6 template provides information regarding where data with Watermark for the EVAL-6 document are pulled for the report. This template is also available within Watermark.


Workflow is a Watermark solution for digitizing and managing faculty processes, including annual reviews and promotion and tenure. It eliminates manual tasks, paperwork, reduces inefficiency and errors, and improves the ability to track progress. Workflow also leverages the data and customization that is already available in Watermark.

Promotion and Tenure

Annual Review

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