Honors Program - Christopher Newport University

Honors Program

Meet an honors program like no other!

  • Do you seek an energetic, culturally expansive environment that will support your academic and career goals?
  • Are you eager to travel, study abroad, involve yourself in original research or develop your creative talents?
  • Do you want classes that inspire you to learn and share your discoveries with others?
  • Are you looking for academic opportunities beyond the classroom and the semester – and funding to support them?
  • Do you want a learning environment that invites you to work closely with faculty members who can’t wait to share their enthusiasm for learning?
  • Do you want to work with expert advisors who listen and encourage you to clarify and pursue your own goals?
  • Would you like the chance to live and study with students like yourself in one of CNU’s incomparable residence halls?

Honors Inquiries

HONR 381 Independent Study or Research Course, 0 credit hours from Honors Program

The following courses, entailing independent research, automatically show up as an Honors Inquiry on the What-If Analysis: (BIOL 391W, BIOL 491W, BIOL 492W, CHEM 391W, CPEN 498, CPSC 498, CYBR 498W, EENG 498, FNAR 401, FNAR 488, FNAR 490W, HUMN 100, HUMN 200, HUMN 300, HUMN 400, MUSC 490W, MATH 451, MATH 485, NEUR 490W, PHIL 490W, PHYS 498W, PCSE 498, IDST 490, SOCL 490, SOWK 493).

Departmental Independent Study courses (e.g., PSYC 499, HIST 499) also qualify for the notation. Students must notify the Honors director when course credits are posted on the unofficial transcript in order to receive the zero-credit HONR 381 notation.

HONR 382 Non-Course Civic Engagement Activity, 0-3 credit hours from Honors Program

Inquiry is completed outside of a formal course; credit is assigned and given by the Honors Program. 40 hours must be completed per academic credit.

Students must register for HONR 382 no later than the add/drop week of the semester they will claim credit. Also, students must attend a mandatory meeting at the beginning of that semester.

Students must submit an Inquiry Contract. The director must review and approve the contract. Following completion of the inquiry activity, students must submit a 1,000-word reflection essay and have a supervisor email confirmation to the director.

Common ways to fulfill requirement include, but are not limited to: jobs, internships, volunteer hours, active leadership roles and hours in CNU faculty-led labs outside the classroom.

Students are responsible for registering for HONR 382 in the semester designated in his/her contract. The director posts the grade awarded the paper at the end of that semester.

HONR 383 Study Abroad, 0 credit hours from Honors Program

Credit is received through department of course; Honors Program authorizes 0 credit 383-notation on transcript.

After you return, email angela.palomo@cnu.edu with your CNU number and location of your study abroad. She'll ask the Registrar to add HONR 383 to your record.

When study abroad credits appear on the unofficial transcript, the student must email their student number to the director, who will request the registrar to add the 383 notation. Students must notify the director when study abroad credits are posted on unofficial transcript so the director can count the credits for an inquiry completion.


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