Policies, Procedures and Definitions
- Awarded irrevocably
- Given in spirit of "Disinterested Generosity" (IRS Term)
- No contractual obligations or deliverables
- No formal fiscal accountability beyond periodic progress reports of expenditures that might be thought of as good stewardship - not characterized as contractual obligations or "deliverables"
- No intellectual property rights
- Generally must return unobligated balance
- Specific scope of work
- Specified performance period
- Required financial reports
- Detailed technical/progress report
- The right to audit
- Other contractual obligations (e.g., patent rights or deliverables)
- Payments contingent upon progress
- Prior approval for deviations
- Not based on the existence go a single characteristic
- Award must be evaluated "in toto"
- Final determination rests with University, not the award maker