Glossary of Terms - Strategic Compass - Christopher Newport University
Captain Chris statue with trees in the foreground and Strategic Compass logo overlay

Strategic Compass

Glossary of Terms

Below is a glossary to help our community understand the various technical terminology and acronyms that will be used througout this process.

Strategic planning is a process in which an organization defines its vision for the future, identifies goals and objectives and implements them.

Christopher Newport’s name for the strategic planning process. Just as a compass
guides the traveler in the right direction, so will the strategic plan.

The committee that decides on the priorities or order of business of the strategic plan
and manages its operations.

Teams of faculty, staff and students assigned to research and collect data, to make sure everyone is represented, to analyze data and feedback and to summarize findings to present to the Strategic Planning Steering Committee.

The process of examining the political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors in the external environment. A PESTEL analysis is used to identify threats and weaknesses.

The process of gathering data, reviewing research throughout the landscape of higher education, engaging with the campus stakeholder groups and conducting a PESTEL review.

This step seeks to understand and prioritize external challenges and identify key success factors through feedback solicited from the university community, as well as external stakeholders.

The process of gathering data and ideas about what the University does well and what it can do better.

This step seeks to identify critical issues, priorities and opportunities through feedback solicited from the university community and stakeholders.

Allocating resources more efficiently. By identifying priorities, the institution can
channel its time, talent, and funds into initiatives that offer the highest return on

A well-defined strategic plan sets measurable objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs). This enhances accountability as it becomes easier to track progress and identify areas that require improvement.

Applying new processes, introducing new techniques, or establishing successful ideas to create new value. Strategic planning encourages a culture of innovation by setting ambitious goals that challenge the status quo. This fosters an environment where students and employees are motivated to think creatively and push boundaries.

The process of identifying issues and assessing their impact on the University. A strategic plan identifies challenges and threats, allowing the University to develop contingency plans and strategies to reduce risk.

Conditions or circumstances that give the University a competitive edge as it seeks to recruit and retain students. Identifying unique selling points helps the University market them effectively to prospective students, faculty, and partners.

Critical factors that any university would have to excel at to achieve sustained success.

Specific and measurable initiatives or goals the University is trying to complete or

A study conducted by an organization to identify its strengths and weaknesses and the
opportunities and threats it faces from outside. This is an important step to craft the strategic

A person with an interest or concern in something.

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