Audit Process - Internal Audit - Christopher Newport University

Internal Audit

Audit Process

What to Expect During an Audit

We at Internal Audit understand the Internal Audit process is unfamiliar to some and can cause a bit of trepidation to the audit client. Rest assured it is our goal to assist the audited entity to improve on processes and provide reliable assurance to senior management and the board that the function is operating as desired. We strive to be thorough, helpful and accommodating to the greatest extent possible.

We have outlined the audit process to help better prepare our audit clients in the event they are selected for an audit engagement to help:

  1. Provide a basic understanding of internal audit; and
  2. Provide a basic awareness of the principles of internal controls so: a. You have an understanding of what we’re looking for as we conduct the audit; and b. You can help us identify risks (potential problems) that warrant attention
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