Department Logos and Letterhead - Christopher Newport University

Office of Communications and Public Relations

Department Logos and Letterhead

In order to expedite client needs, OCPR has prepared certain downloadable elements for clients to use without having to request OCPR assistance. The assets are available in a Google Drive that is accessible only by individuals with CNU email addresses.

The following assets are available for use and download for every department.* The folders are organized by academic or administrative, then by department name. If there is an error or missing graphic, please email for assistance.

Department Specific Logos

We have created a set of the Christopher Newport brand marks for departments on campus.* There are multiple orientations available each in CNU blue, black, and white. Below is a list of the names used and how each version should be used:

  • Standard: The standard option for use
  • Alternate: An alternate version of the standard, used on report cover templates
  • Headers: Used on letterhead for print or email and poster templates
  • Initials: Used on official t-shirts or clothing produced for university employees


A Google document version of digital letterhead has been provided for every department that has a department brand mark in their department folder. There is also a version of generic CNU letterhead available. You are able to save this file as a Word document if you need to use this offline or send it to someone outside CNU.

Address Labels

Department specific address and shipping sized labels have been designed and are available for download. These are made to fit Avery 5160 & 5163 labels and are labeled accordingly.

*Certain groups, including those with non-standard brand marks, are not included in the available assets. If you do not see your department, please reach out to OCPR and we will provide you with your assets.

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