Pre-Law Scholars Program - Pre-Law Program - Christopher Newport University

Pre-Law Program

Pre-Law Scholars Program

The two most powerful assets for admission to a great law school are a strong Law School Admission Test (LSAT) score and a high grade point average.

The pre-law scholars program selects high-achieving students with the potential to do well on both these metrics and then cultivates your skills throughout your time at Christopher Newport. The program provides intensive mentoring and encourages early test preparation – law school admission officers agree that the surest path to an excellent LSAT score is repeated practice under simulated test conditions.

How It Works

  • You begin LSAT preparation in your sophomore year and continually improve your practice scores over the course of your junior year.
  • Seniors must take the LSAT early in the law school application process to ensure optimal admissions and scholarship potential.
  • All participants meet regularly with the pre-law director for intensive mentoring. We particularly encourage juniors and seniors to use this resource to focus their hard work with informed and careful strategy.
  • All participants must attend two pre-law events each semester as well as any pre-law scholar-designated events.
  • Students who graduate with scholar status receive a purple cord to wear at graduation to honor their accomplishment.

Minimum Qualifications

Program qualifications vary by class year. Except for seniors, you must meet all criteria and apply before the start of the semester you wish to begin. Seniors are accepted on a rolling basis until the start of spring semester.

  • Freshmen: 1310 SAT score or 28 ACT score; students who apply to CNU test-optional may join the Pre-Law Scholars Program if they are admitted to the Honors Program
  • Second-semester freshmen and sophomores: 3.5 GPA
  • Juniors
    • 3.5 GPA and any proctored practice LSAT score, or
    • 3.0 GPA and a minimum proctored practice LSAT score of 155
  • Seniors: Minimum actual LSAT score of 160, or approval of director and pre-law council

How to Apply

If you qualify and would like to join the program, email for application instructions.

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