Please contact us with any questions regarding payment, paperwork or pay dates.
Tax Forms
Federal and state tax forms must be submitted at least one week prior to the pay check date you want the change to become effective.
To be used by all employees to initiate changes in their tax status.
- Federal: W-4
- Effective November 1, 2018, a social security card MUST be presented for validation of name and social security number on the federal W-4 form per IRS regulation 31.6011 (b)-2.
- State: VA-4
Direct Deposit
To be used by all employees to start, change or stop direct deposit of their paycheck to a financial institution of their choice each payday.
Change of Name and / or Address
To be used by all employees to make any changes to their name and/or address on file.
To be used by all employees to access on-line payment information four days prior to scheduled pay date. To learn more about Payline, please visit the the Virginia Department of Accounts website.
Paystub Explanation
To be used by all employees for referencing an explanation of employee deduction codes printed on their pay stub.
Pay Schedules
Christopher Newport does not observe the same holiday schedule as the commonwealth. Please contact the Office of Human Resources at (757) 594-7145 for complete information.
To be a candidate for student employment, an undergraduate student must be enrolled in at least six credit hours (graduate student, three credit hours) during the fall and spring semesters. Students may be employed during break periods and summer sessions, as long as full- or part-time student status is intended to be continuous.
Student employment is limited to 20 hours per week when classes are in session during fall and spring semesters and not more than 40 hours per week during break and summer periods.
Student employment begins with the Center for Career Planning, and then moves on to the Payroll Office for processing of all required forms.
Student hire package includes:
- Hiring Package Instructions
- Student Employment Application
- Employment Hire Package (demographic info)
- W-4 Federal Withholding
- VA-4 State Withholding
- Employee Direct Deposit Authorization (required by Virginia)
- DHRM Policy on Alcohol and Drug Use
- Use of Electronic Communications and Social Media
- I-9 Form
- Student Employee Training and Responsible Employee Designation (Title IX training form)
- Pay Period Schedule of Due Dates and Pay Dates
Forms and Resources
- Allowable Work Hours
- Center for Career Planning
- New Student Complete Hiring Package
- Instructions for Form I-9
- Part-time Manual Timesheet Form
- Returning Students Hiring Package
- Student Worker Orientation and Safety Presentation
- Safety Acknowledgement for Student Employees
- Student Employee Acknowledgement
- Student Worker Change Form
- Student Worker Summer Housing Stipend Form
To Download the Student Worker Change Form into Excel, open the file, click on File, Download, Microsoft Excel
For faculty, staff and adjunct AP–14 payments, please be sure to list separately according to status (e.g., adjuncts, part-time, faculty/staff, full-time)
Flat One-Time Payment (undergraduate student): Use the AP14B Flat Payment Form for expenses for one-time payments made by institutions of higher education to compensate undergraduate students for all services.
Graduate Assistant Use the AP14 Credit Activities Form for payment, including expenses for compensation to persons without faculty appointment, for teaching and research activities.
Special Payments for Academic Services (faculty & staff) Use the AP14A Non-Credit Activities Form for expenses for one-time payments made by institutions of higher education to cooperating teachers in public or private schools or other individuals who perform non-instructional or non-research academic service.
Teaching and research part-time (adjunct) Use the AP14 Credit Activities Form for payment, including summer session teaching, overload teaching and evening sessions, and part-time teaching when the individual is not permanently employed.
Information related to the new human resources and payroll time and leave reporting system.
What is Cardinal Human Capital Management (HCM)?
The Cardinal Project has teamed up with state agencies to connect the commonwealth of Virginia with a modern system for human resources, health benefits, time and attendance, and payroll administration.
What is Employee Self Service (ESS) Time and Attendance (TA)?
With the transition to Cardinal HCM, you will have access to enter/update your time and absences in Cardinal HCM.
Why is it important to know our usage of Cardinal HCM?
Your understanding of our agency's Cardinal system usage, as well as, our agency’s specific setup, will assist you in accurately completing your timesheet. Information entered on timesheets drives pay. Correct timesheet entries are required for correct payroll (i.e., paycheck).
How will our Agency Use Cardinal HCM’s TA functionality?
As part of the transition to Cardinal HCM, our agency will be utilizing Cardinal TA in the following manner:
- Cardinal TA to enter time and absences
- All part-time employees will enter hours worked (positive time reporting)
- All full-time exempt employees will enter leave time (exception time reporting)
- All full-time non-exempt employees will enter leave time taken or pre-approved overtime or compensatory time (exception time reporting)
- Supervisors will verify and approve employee timesheets and leave taken
- Timekeepers will enter time for employees that don’t have direct access to enter timesheets
Christopher Newport will not use chartfields, so disregard that information.
What time reporter type am I? There are details below to help you determine what type of reporter you are.
If you are an exception time reporter, then the following applies to you:
Exception Time Reporter
Time is only entered if there is an exception to the employee’s normal work schedule. Exceptions include:
- The employee worked a different day outside of their normal schedule
- The employee worked additional hours (e.g., overtime)
- The employee used leave (e.g., vacation, sick)
- The employee needs to charge time to a different charge distribution (if required)
- When any exception time is entered for a day, then all hours for that day must be entered (e.g., entered two hours of vacation, must also report the six regular hours worked)
If you are a positive time reporter, then the following applies to you:
- All hours worked (productive) and any leave (non-productive) must be entered.
- All time must be reported by day and type
- The Timesheet must be submitted, at a minimum, for every pay period (follow agency guidelines)
For more information, see section below on Cardinal HCM FAQ's, Information and Job Aids.
Finally, please know that your Payroll team is working diligently to ensure everyone is paid in a timely manner. Please feel free to reach out to with any questions you have.
Please see the FAQ's and Information for answers to your important questions, as well as, Job Aids to assist in accessing and using Cardinal HCM.
- Cardinal HCM FAQS and Information
- Cardinal Registration Quick Start Guide
- ESS392 Time Entry Scenarios Exception Time Reporter
- ESS392 Time Entry Scenarios Positive Time Reporter
- NAV 205 Navigation Tips
- TA373 Approving Time and Absences
- TA373 Delegation Administration for Supervisors
- TA374 Entering and Modifying Absences
- Cardinal TA Holiday Time Entry Scenarios