Faculty Information
Faculty play a critical role in articulating and upholding the community standards of the university. Faculty members serve a valuable role within the classroom, educating students about what constitutes plagiarism and cheating and the importance of why students should turn in work that is their own.
In addition, faculty members identify potential academic integrity issues, meet with students suspected of plagiarism or cheating, and determine if a student is responsible for an academic integrity violation in their classroom. Trained faculty members may be selected to serve as panel members on hearing or honor panels that occur during a semester recess.
Interested in Serving on a Panel?
When the university is on break, special panels are convened to determine alleged violations of university policies. Faculty members can volunteer to serve as panel members. Faculty volunteers will be trained and may be selected to serve as panel members during during university breaks. If you are interested in serving in this capacity please email CHECS at checs@cnu.edu.
Academic Misconduct
If you suspect an academic integrity incident has occurred, follow the steps below:
- Collect all evidence and information
- Contact the student and set up a meeting
- Determine whether the student is responsible for the violation. If a student is responsible, assign an appropriate academic penalty
- Notify CHECS
- You can do this by completing the Academic Misconduct Reporting form, emailing CHECS at checs@cnu.edu or sending a memo to CHECS. Please include a description of what happened, who was involved and what the outcome was.
- For a step-by-step explanation of the CHECS process that will occur after a report is sent to CHECS, please view the Academic Misconduct Process Flowchart.