Process for Hosting an In-Person Event
Securing permission to host an in-person event requires successful completion of the following steps, in addition to standard approvals required by university departments. Please allow for at least two weeks to get through this process.
Note: This process is for faculty and staff only.
Submit basic information about your plans to Amie Dale, Executive Director of University Events, using the form linked below.
Amie will review your submission and schedule a time with the Point of Contact (POC) to discuss the event plan.
The Strike Force meets on Mondays and Thursdays. Proposals submitted by COB Wednesday will be reviewed on Thursdays and proposals submitted after Wednesday and by COB Friday will be reviewed on Mondays.
The Strike Force will review your submission and make determinations on granting conditional approval which allows the planner to move forward and begin formally planning the event with campus partners. If conditional approval is not granted, further action may be requested of the POC. If the plan is denied, the POC may not move forward with planning the event on campus.
Amie Dale will follow up directly with the POC to notify them of next steps.
Once the POC has planned all facets of the events and made necessary preparations with campus partners, a detailed plan needs to be submitted to Amie Dale for review. This plan can be a Word or Google doc, or pdf.
The detailed plan needs to include:
- Event information submitted initially expanded to include:
- An event timeline
- Faculty/staff required to facilitate the event
- COVID-19 mitigation steps planned, specifically:
- How you will avoid congregating and physical contact
- And including, but not limited to, the plan for face coverings, physical distancing, symptom screening, and, if applicable, spectators and drop-off and pick-up.
- Food and drink provisions and how they will comply with state guidelines
- Any invitations, marketing or promotional materials created for your event.
- Detail the interactions attendees have with each other and with university staff working the event.
- If the event includes campus visitors (non-faculty, staff or students)
- List onsite coordinators for the group and the University to include their contact information
- A plan for providing proof of contact tracing consent and post-event contact information for visitors
- What connection the visitors have to the University
- A timeline from arrival to departure where the visitors will be on campus, what they will be doing on campus and who they will interact with.
The Strike Force will review your final plan. If approval is granted the POC may proceed with completing arrangements, inviting guests and/or promoting their event. If approval is not granted, further action may be requested of the POC.
Amie Dale will follow up directly with the Point of Contact to notify them of next steps.