Occupational Health - Environmental Health and Safety - Christopher Newport University

Environmental Health and Safety

Occupational Health

University employees conducting work involving certain hazardous substances, physical conditions or animal contact have an increased risk to adverse effects on health. OSHA establishes maximum exposure levels for noise, radiation, and certain chemical substances that University employees may be safely exposed to in the course of their job duties.

EHS can assist with determining workplace exposure levels through site assessment. Assessment includes a review of the affected employee(s) job duties, employee interview(s), a site inspection and, when necessary, personal testing of the affected employee/position or area testing of the work area.

To request an exposure survey, contact EHS@cnu.edu and provide the following information:

  • Your name, contact information and department
  • Chemical product(s) used and Safety Data Sheet
  • Individuals or positions using the chemical (faculty, staff)
  • Frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, other) and location of use
  • Concentration of product (is it diluted with water?) and method of application (poured, sprayed, wiped, etc.)
  • For research work, risk assessment is completed through the research review and registration process.

When legally required or when an exposure survey reveals occupational exposure levels exceed regulatory limits, affected employees must participate in medical monitoring, which includes such services as medical exams, testing, and/or vaccination(s).

Work with hazardous materials that requires health assessment and/or monitoring may not begin until the employee has completed screening and is cleared for work.

Health assessment documents are available via Google Drive. You must be logged into your CNU email account in order to access the Google Drive folders linked below.

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