Human Resources - Christopher Newport University

Human Resources

We help to create, instill and foster a phenomenal culture and community to work in and learn from. We strive to support, develop and serve our highly talented, caring and committed employees.

2024-25 Events Calendar

Date/Time Event
January 8   12 p.m.

Real Estate Transactions (Legal Resources) - Event Registration

January 8
2 p.m.

Progressive Discipline/Coaching (@HR) Event Registration

January 10
9:30 a.m.

Progressive Discipline/Coaching (@DSU) Event Registration 

January 15 12 p.m.

So You've Been Breached (Legal Resources) - Event Registration

February 19 12 p.m. 

Trending Threats (Legal Resources) - Event Registration

February 19
2 p.m. 

Work/Life Balance (working while off the clock?) (@HR) Event Registration

February 21
9:30 a.m. 

Work/Life Balance (working while off the clock?) (@DSU) Event Registration

March 12    12 p.m. 

Navigating Tax Law (Legal Resources) - Event Registration 

March 19         12 p.m.

Tackling Title Theft and Fraud (Legal Resources) - Event Registration

March 19
2 p.m. 

Psychological Safety and Servant Leadership (@HR) Event Registration

March 21
9:30 a.m. 

Psychological Safety and Servant Leadership (@DSU) Event Registration

March 27         2 p.m.

Get to Know Invest529 Webinar (Saving for Education) Chance to win $100 Target Gift Card - Event Registration

April 9          12 p.m.

Surviving Spouses: Managing after Loss (Legal Resources) - Event Registration

April 9
2 p.m. 

Micromanaginig vs No Managing vs Effective Leadership (@HR) Event Registration

April 11
9:30 a.m. 

Micromanaginig vs No Managing vs Effective Leadership (@DSU) Event Registration

April 16.        12 p.m.

Tax ID Theft and Scams (Legal Resources) - Event Registration

May 21
2 p.m.

CNU Quality of Service Standards (Key Workplace Traditions, Values, etc.) (@HR)
Event Registration

May 23
9:30 a.m.

CNU Quality of Service Standards (Key Workplace Traditions, Values, etc.) (@DSU)
Event Registration

n/a Preventing Debt (VRS Webinar Recording)
n/a On Demand Virginia529 Webinar - Saving for College
Various Overview of the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan/Cash Match Plan
Various Understanding your Investment Options DCP/VRS
Various How do I Withdraw money/Distribution Strategies DCP/VRS
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